COVID19 - surviving, navigating support and planning renewal
United, we will get through the COVID-19 crisis, the tourism-hospitality industry will rebound and the sun will again rise and shine on our industry.
In the meantime there is an array of government and industry support programs that will help you to navigate these challenging times. With so much information around, the links below have been selected as the most relevant to small /micro tourism operators.
Plus of course, WITH Tas is offering a Virtual Cuppa, to connect and support women dealing with challenging times on many fronts. Details below.
- The Australian Government has expanded its Australian Small Business Advisory Service – Digital Solutions program by 10,000 places
- The ATO is running webinars on key topics for small business
- Events Tasmania is offering grants to assist event organisers to develop COVID-safe plans and procedures to that events can go ahead safely and compliant with Public Health guidelines.
Free business advice
Enterprise Centres Tasmania is a state wide network of independent business advisors.
It's a free service to help Tasmanians make key decisions to help your business reach its potential.
Their website also has some short videos specifically around the response to Covid-19.
TICT's Talking Tourism Podcasts
The TICT has produced a series of bite-size conversations about tourism and business with some of the best and brightest minds in the game.
The 'Talking Tourism' podcasts cover topical subjects related to operating a tourism business and the latest editions relate to business survival and rebuilding post COVID-19.
The podcasts can be accessed at - well worth a listen.
Get Yourself Digital Ready
Make the most of quieter times and learn how to boost your online presence or find digital solutions for business processes to make your life easier post-COVID-19.
The Department of State Growth's Digital Ready Program has fabulous online tutorials, PLUS is offering two hours free digital coaching for businesses. (During the COVID-19 pandemic coaching is being delivered via Zoom, Skype or over the phone)
See Digital Ready for more details.
A new 'Business as Unusual' podcast series has also just been launched from the Digital Ready Facebook page here
Tourism Business Assistance Directory
Tourism Tasmania has a comprehensive listing of support programs and resources to assist tourism businesses impacted by COVID-19.
See the Tourism Tasmania website and make sure you're up with the latest info and research for our industry by subscribing to the 'Tourism Talk' newsletter here
WITH Tas one-on-one Virtual Cuppas still available
Nothing beats a cuppa and a chat with like-minded folks where problems are shared and often solved. Our small group chats ran through April to June 2020 and were a great success.
Our one-on-one Virtual Cuppas are still available if you're finding it hard to navigate the changing Covid world. Read more here about how it works and the amazing women mentors offering to assist then email us with your details and we'll get you connected and supported.
COVID-19 official updates for Tasmania
For information on health related matters, including rules around social distancing for business and larger gatherings, please see the Tasmanian Government's official site, which is updated as new information emerges.